


Of a document filed with the Province of British Columbia Registrar of Companies




BC Society • Societies Act


Incorporation Number: Business Number: Filed Date and Time:


78343 9748 BC0001
February 4, 2021 05:59 PM Pacific Time

The name of the Society is CHILDREN OF TRAUMA SOCIETY

The purposes of the Society are:

1) The primary purpose of this society is to raise awareness in Canada and around the world about the large number of children, teenagers and adults who have suffered trauma and those who continue
to suffer, sometimes severe and continuous trauma, and to lobby governments for treatment under medicare.

2) Congruent to and of equal importance, the society will lobby governments to enact inclusion legislation / policy along with banks / credit unions enacting inclusion policy, aimed specifically at entrepreneurs with a history of trauma who may or may not have been diagnosed with PTSD / CPTSD (post traumatic stress disorder / complex post traumatic stress disorder), regarding providing business start-up funding in the form of grants / loans from the former and business loans from the latter, all of which would be guaranteed in whole or in part (if possible) by federal, provincial or state governments.

3) Furthermore, in order to be self supporting in the long term, the society will raise funds from donors to establish an *artisan woodcrafting enterprise (to be located in Vancouver BC Canada) with all net profit going towards funding the society in its endeavours, including, to pay for conventional trauma therapy, or, for those with treatment resistance PTSD / CPTSD, psychedelic assisted psychotherapy to be provided by Numinus, a wellness corporation headquartered in Vancouver BC Canada who are partnering with Health Canada to provide psychedelic assisted psychotherapy treatment for the public by early 2021.

4) In the future as funds permit, the society will also provide start-up funding for other business ventures which will be separate from the society, self supporting and institute profit sharing. Any future business idea along with the artisan wood crafting facility will strive to employ as many individuals as practical who have a history of trauma, or, have been diagnosed PTSD / CPTSD positive and who have been unable to find employment in the traditional work environment or have been unable to hold a job for one reason or another.

* Details on the viability of and the business plan for this facility can be viewed on this website.